This is the day that Sam discovered that he could hold the spoon and put it in his mouth. He still needs to work a little on aim, but he was proud of himself.
I haven't seen any poo yet today. I thought prunes were supposed to be the organic laxative? In this flax seed house we believe in keeping regular. Prunes was a natural choice to introduce to baby's diet ...
He won't eat green beans. He doesn't like carrots. He loves bananas. Meme was on him then. "Did you know bananas are binding? ... Maybe we should feed that baby some prunes..."
Well, Sam, where's the poo?
If you don't start performing soon Meme will give you some laxative tea.
No lie, a couple of weeks ago I woke up in search of some Imodium. I started listing in my head everything I had eaten the day before.
Was the sushi bad? Did I accidentally eat a store-bought tomato? Mom figured out the mystery. The tea she gave me the night before was a laxative. You have to seriously watch the people in this house.
They are definetly on your colon's side.