Thursday, September 25, 2008

He's Off!

Another reason we haven't been on the blog lately... Sam and I moved into a little house, and Sam decided to start crawling.

Sam sends his love to all of you.

Baby Einstein Toys

Here is Sam with one of his high tech educational toys. We call this one spoon.

evacuation portriats

Catch Up

Oh wait a whirlwind couple of weeks it has been. Literally. First there was Gustav then Ike. It was like we were never going to stop with the storms. The first time we all loaded up and went to Dallas. Seven hours in the car with this scene.
Notice that Sarah is feeding the baby, Katie is holding a DVD player that all three are trying to watch.

The baby was really good on the trip, but he kinda doesn't want to get in the car seat anymore. Who could blame him? He probably never knows when the trip is going to end. Little does he know that with me as his mom he is on a permanent trip.