Sunday, June 15, 2008

Dad's the Top Tomato

Worried about salmonella-tainted tomatoes? Here is our solution: grow your own. Seriously, can you not see that the universe wants you to grow and buy local?

Now, I will get back to sipping my lemonade. Picking that tomato was hard work, ya know? I mean, sure, Dad put in the garden, weeds the garden, waters the garden, and fertilizes the garden, but somebody has to go out and pick the the dang things. I'm pulling my share. Who do you think eats all those juicy tomatoes?

I'm sure Dad feels like the Little Red Hen a lot. "Who is going to help me pick the wheat, grind the wheat, mix the bread, bake the bread ... ?" But, I appreciate him A LOT. Who else could make my life so rich? He cooks me meals, gives good advice, watches 5,000 foreign films, and loves me lots. Here's to Dad! On top of everything else he does, he has saved me from salmonella!


Shanonita said...

that's a gorgeous tomato! i am jealous. it's hard to grow a freaking tomato in England, can you believe it? you can do it but not like in KY or LA. enjoy your beautiful summer tomatoes.

mel said...

dude that bugged me. everyone was like don't eat tomatoes! you'll die!! and im like shut up i like tomatoes.