I took those chil'ren to the library and got a kitchen science experiment book. Some were very successful like this disappearing shell trick.
The name kind of makes writing a hypothesis a stupid endeavor; however, try it anyway. Put a raw egg in a jar with 3/4 cup of vinegar and watch what happens.
Some of the experiments were highly successful, like the egg trick and the volcano-in-a-bowl trick. Some were not so cool like the grow-a-crystal-out-of-alum-and-water trick, and the rub-bread-in-dust-and-watch-mold-grow trick.

Note to self: it obviously takes double-fiber wheat bread longer to grow mold than sugar-rich white bread.
The trick did remind me of one of the few times someone tried to set me up. My friend, Clay, told me he thought I would like this friend of his. What were these guys appealing qualities? Apparently he liked to hide food and watch things grow on it. Say what you will, the whole idea piqued my interest.
P.S. I have now used my allotted amount of hyphens for the week.
is that the egg after having been in vinegar? freaky. you sound like the best babysitter. wish we were close enough to trade babysitting : )
I wish you were my babysitter. Or just a regular visitor. Have you always been this awesome?
Got the clipping in the mail, too. Thanks for that. It was so Liz and made me smile to know that I touched the same paper you did. You're the best.
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