My mom, who is called Mimi by her 13 grandkids (14th on the way), is working towards her RN after retiring from teaching.
I run some tech support for her, as college has become a lot more Blackboard-oriented, and I have to say that I'm proud of all her accomplishments. She can e-mail, watch the Internet lectures for her class, and I'm told she even finds this blog occasionally.
She still writes her papers out in long hand first, and is not convinced she needs a Facebook page, but these are huge strides. The bane of her existence right now is the .docx file.
This is a picture of my mom when she was in her 20s. By the time she was my age she had five kids. Tonight I saw her talk to my dad, eat a baked potato, and keep Sam in a booster seat all at the same time.
Mimi, you totally rock. Don't let .docx get you down, we're all still baffled and pissed about it.
I'm also hoping to go to nursing school in a couple of years. Your mom is a total inspiration.
Lisa, I didn't know you were doing nursing! That's awesome.
Mack's mom is a nurse educator/cardiac nurse and can you say chaching? If I didn't need to vomit or pee my pants at the site of physical trauma, I'd definitely make a career change.
The most amazing thing about Mimi is how calms she always is while she's talking to your dad, keeping Sam in a booster and eating a potato. Always smiling and soothing even as chaos prances around her. Something to imitate for sure.
I like the name Mimi. Liz she looks a lot like you.
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