Sam had his birthday party today. His due date was close to St. Patrick's Day, and I was trying to convince the doctor to induce on that day, but I went into labor early.
So, Sam will have to suffer for the rest of his life with St. Patrick's Day parties. Although when we went to Party City to get the loot we really only saw drinking games on the St. Paddy Day aisle. OK, kids fill up your shot glasses with Kool-Aid, now you take this quarter...
Sunday was an excellent day for a party. We got to fly a kite, ate some ribs, played ball, blew bubbles. Sam ran after all the kids just clapping and clapping.
One party down ... 14 to go, right? He'll be too cool for birthdays by 15? Maybe I'll let him dye his hair green for 15, but no drinking games. I have to draw a line somewhere.
I can't believe that boy is a year old already. Time has flown by. Sounds like it was one sweet celebration. Give him some sugar from me!
Happy Birthday Sam!!! Cutie Pie!!!
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