Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Case for Taking Welfare

SWF searching for daycare spot for cute kid. Will take any outfit not hiring sexual predators, long walks on the beach not necessary.

When I was pregnant and my mom kept telling me to start looking for daycare I kind of thought she meant I should start interviewing places, taking tours, you know, being the picky Mom all the magazines tell you to be... What she actually meant was ... get one or you'll be left out in the cold.

March is sign-up time, and I am number 90 on a waiting list for one spot... That's my best shot at the moment.

Not to mention that decent daycare costs about $140 a week...

So, you have to beg someone to take your 600 bucks a month, still spend 40 hours a week away from your child (that's about half of their waking time total in a week), and feel lucky that you have a spot anywhere. This is the reality of having a child.

I see why it makes more sense for single mothers to quit their jobs and get welfare.


Lisa said...

Don't get me started on child care. I had the same shocking realization after I had Jonah. Luckily, my sister-in-law watched him until he was a yr old, then he went to daycare. I remember trying to get financial assistance from the state (FL at the time) and the lady started laughing because I had only one kid and made way too much money even for a single mom - more than 13k a yr. What?!! Also don't get your hopes up about the cost going down. Every year the rates would go up even though Jonah got older so I always ended up paying the same, even now for full time care in the summer. I paid just as much for Jonah's daycare as I did rent. The cost of child care was one of the deciding factors for me staying home after we had Caroline, especially when I had to pay the daycare even though she was too sick to attend and I didn't get paid for missing work. I couldn't afford to work full time. I totally feel for you.

Shanonita said...

Miss you Liz! Daycare is so expensive it took up 70% of Charles' pay? I agree with you, it makes it seem like you'd be better of not working. But, sounds like you have a great place now. I can' believe how big Sam is now!!! He's so handsome. I need to see him. Not sure yet what's happening with us...if i'm employed past jun or not. hope to see you soon. hugs and lots of love to you and sam. And by the way you're so amazing. really cool senior photos.